Evening Standard

1675 days ago

Do Mark Shapland and the Evening Standard know what an exclusive is?

Saddo ninth rate hack Mark Shapland of a local paper in England, the Evening Standard, has just retweeted the tweet below claiming he has an “exclusive”. Does this fucktard know what an exclusive is? It is not a story that appeared elsewhere the day before.


1708 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wasting 20 minutes of my life trying to help thicko journalist Mark Shapland

The Evening Standard man is not very bright and still does not understand the import of today’s Muddy Waters Burford (BUR). Look at the tweet exchange below. Would you believe I wasted 20 minutes of my life answering questions about the dossier from this ungrateful knobhead today?. It is not the first time I’ve helped him but with no grace to credit, it will be the last.  I also look at First Derivatives (FDP), discuss the very low grade lawyer’s letter I received today, look at ADM Energy (ADME) and at the comedy show that is Providence Resources (PVR)


1940 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a hot tip from Brokerman Dan

In this podcast I thinkI agree with Dan's tip. I then look at Independent Oil & Gas in light of Jim Armitage's article in the Evening Standard which takes this scandal forward some more. I cover ramp dog Chesterfield (CHF), Marks & Spencer (MKS), Gear4Music (G4M), Halfords (HFD), Starcom (STAR), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Angus Energy (ANGS) and the zero scenario, and Carclo (CAR). Tomorrow I may have better things to do than a bearcast as is the case every January 12. Or maybe not!


2004 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oily Piers gains from yellow journalism at the ES & is Amur about to go pop

I address issues raised by poltroons about yesterday';s bearcast and our new investment. I look at some awful yellow journalism at the Evening Standard regarding oily Piers Pottinger and the MySquar (MYSQ) fraud which demonstrates again why the dying deadwood press are part of the problem not the solution. I look at Amur Minerals (AMC) which is in VERY big trouble, I suggest. And also at Avanti Communications (AVN), Totally (TLY) and Venn Life (VENN). The big short dossier articler is on the runway and I should publish it very soon.


2199 days ago

Me and Drinking Too Much

I could not sleep this morning as I pondered me and drink. My prompt was the ramblings of a pal who was, I fear, drunk in charge of a keyboard. In days gone by I too was a heavy drinker.


2495 days ago

London's useless Mayor Khan gets his economic knickers in a twist virtue signalling about gay bars

Ooooh you are awful said Dick Emery. In the case of London Mayor Khan that is awfully politically correct. And awfully useless. Fresh from supporting the Al Quds day, aka lets blame the Jews for Grenfell Tower, march, hapless Sadiq Khan has a new battle: saving LGBT bars and clubs and he has promised "urgent action." Politicians always promise urgent action never just action but what exactly is little Khan's understanding of why gay bars are shutting?


2523 days ago

Lord Sugar called me a financial illiterate but the old bastard had a certain charm even then

It was back in the mid nineties when I met Lord Sugar. I was a reporter on the Evening Standard and was sent to meet him the night before Spurs, which he then owned, was set to report its results. Nick Hewer picked me up in his white roller and took me up to White Hart Lane where the scum were playing, I think, Hereford in, again I think, a League Cup replay.
Natch, as a West Ham supporter my second team is anyone playing the scum so I sat in the directors box secretly cheering on Hereford or whoever it was. I did not join in the delirious joy as Spurs scored repeatedly.


2680 days ago

Patronising Ex Journalist Neil "Wolfman" Wallis asks us to support journalists - why bother?

I am in a twitter spat with ex Fleet Street editor Neil "Wolfman" Wallis who is concerned - rightly - that new legislation (Section 40) will restrict the ability of non national newspapers to pursue investigative reporting. But in begging sympathy for journalists, a man who has now turned to the dark side, to PR, fails to accept how low our profession has sunk in the public esteem.


2743 days ago

Now it is the Daily Telegraph lifting our (old) stories without attribution: fraudster Rob Terry's vineyard

A couple of days ago I noted how the lamentable London Evening Standard had lifted a cynical bear story from five days previously without attribution and claimed it as its own breaking news. But the Standard is not the only lazy worthless paper on Fleet Street. We now have an even more blatant pinch and this time it is the Daily Telegraph in the dock. No wonder sales of MSM publications are plunging if they run stories that were reported elsewhere on September 27 as their own breaking news on 29 October? This is the tale of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry and his new vineyard funded by the Quob park ponzi.


2743 days ago

Evening Standard: Lifting ShareProphets stories without attribution - dick sucking

Lazy journalists on a local paper that thinks it is a national clearly read this website and are happy to lift our stories without attribution. Hence on 23rd October, Cynical Bear ran the "Challenger Suck Dick" scoop HERE. Four days later this is presented as news in the woeful City gossip column of the piss poor Evening Standard. Natch there is no attribution... the Standard would not want its readers to know where it gets its old news dressed up as news from would it?


3248 days ago

Evening Standard's Nick Curtis - what a tosser, but he shows libertarianism is now cool

Obviously the coolest folks are libertarians. And so am I. Amanda Van Dyke has a few dangerous neocon tendancies (foreign policy) and some odd views on the EU but for a Canadian is a pretty libertarian - her fellow countrymen tend to be lefties. Charlotte Argyle, the daughter of Thatcher pictured above, is crystal pure. But you only know something is really cool when folks with no claim to be one of us, start trying to claim to be part of the crowd. That brings me to a total tosser called Nick Curtis, a columnist in the London Evening Standard.

I stress that I am not a regular Standard reader. But on the train back to Bristol last week I happened upon a copy and being bored started to read it. As ever I was struck how folks inside zone 1 of London are a completely alien speciies to the rest of the UK. They have different concerns, interests and views to the rest of us. They are the political, media and corporate elite and they just live on another planet.

Mr Curtis writes on the 10th June about how the busy body sheep shaggers at the Welsh Assembly wish to ban vaping ( "smoking e-cigarettes" in public places). And in the piece he proclaims "I'm a libertarian who believes in personal choice." Great news... a kindred spirit. er....


3529 days ago

Why does Tom Winnifrith not work for a proper newspaper rather than just blogging?

Bon, A Quindell (QPP) owning Moron, asks on this website why “If Tom Winnifrith is such a brilliant investigative journalist does he not work for a top newspaper, he is just a blogger” It is a very fair question and has a several part answer.

I start by saying that I have served my time in the mainstream press: Evening Standard, Agence France Extel and Investors Chronicle staff, freelance contributor at Mail on Sunday etc., etc. But that was then and this is now.

The first reason not to go back is that no paper would hire me. My style is to use words that are “un-paper like” such as moron, and “sucking PR cock”. Moreover newspapers – as you may have noticed – are not into investigative journalism in the way that I practice it. For their (largely failing) business models it does not make sense to pick away day by day at fraudulent companies as I do. How many frauds on AIM has the deadwood press exposed in the past year? Er


3715 days ago

Do I want to be on the Telly? Er…no.

A bird called Claudia is keen for me to go on the TV to talk about the great food bank con. She thought my video on this matter was really interesting. It was. But do I really care?

Claudia works for a new cable outfit ( London Live) called London Live which is owned by which Lebedev Holdings, the Ruskies who now own the Evening Standard. Apparently they are looking for sparky bloggers to appear frequently.

Such is the desire of 99% of the population to appear on TV, even if it is a cable show where there are more folks in the camera crew than in the audience, that I am sure Claudia will be inundated with offers. But not for me. I did my TV stint 14 years ago. I hated it. I cannot be arsed to trundle over to West London taking me away from work which might actually earn me some money for this vicarious thrill. Incidentally I feel the way about various financial TV channels. The monetary value of appearing is zilch so the only folks who cosnistently appear are those who have nbothing to say. I have no desire to join that club.

I enjoy writing especially in a forum where there is no censorship at all.  I’d rather eat cat poo than waste my time and money to appear on a 2-bit cable show – it is vanity publishing for the unthinking.
